Drawings, photographs, poetry, and other artwork fills the pages of this spirited collaborative project. Includes a bookmark by Allison Smith, a photocopied insert by K8 Hardy, and a screenprinted door hanger by Ginger Brooks Takahashi. The limited edition version featured a screenprinted and flocked centerfold by Courtney Dailey, and a handstitched piece by Tara Mateik. The cover is both letterpressed and photocopied; the journal is printed offset. Comes in a square, white envelope with LTTR printed in gold ink.
Contributors: Cass Bird, Ginger Brooks Takahashi, Lisa Charbonneau, Yvette Choy, Leidy McIlvaine Churchman, Lauren Cornell, Courtney Dailey, Andrea Geyer, K8 Hardy, Sharon Hayes, Amber Ibarreche, Dusty Lombardo, Tara Mateik, Gloria Maximo, Mary McAllister, Sophie Morner, Rhani Lee Remedes, Emily Roysdon, JD Samson, Allison Smith, and Dean Spade. Editors: G. Brooks Takahashi, K. Hardy, E. Roysdon. Book design by G. Brooks Takahashi and LTTR.